Yaesu FT 857D, where art thou?

I’ve decided on a Yaesu FT 857D for my first radio (I’ve previously purchased a Yaesu FT 401, along with its matching speaker, VFO, and microphone, but that’s another story).

Evidently, every ham in the country has as well, because there aren’t any available in the US of A at the moment. I’ve called no less than ten distributors, and the’re ALL out. Between the first full week of April and Wednesday, the remaining stock sold out, everywhere. This is the place I’d like to use bad words, but won’t.

Seems that one of the knobs on the radio is manufactured for Yaesu by another company, and they’ve gone belly up. No knobs, no complete radios.

So I’ve given my name to Main Trading Co. in Paris, TX., and they’ll call me when they’re in.

And when/if I get one, I’ll let you know.

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