Adding an exercise program

I’ve written before that I’m walking regularly, and I’ve decided to add a regular routine of lifting to my gym visits. It comes from this guy’s YouTube channel-it’s pretty light for now, but I’m pretty glad that it is: I started Sunday morning, this is Monday night and I’m pretty sore.

Lots of upheaval at work-I’ve lost 3 employees to other buildings and gained a building, so I’m polishing the chair with my hind end less, but that’s a good thing.

Next Sabbath I’ll be camping on Muddy mountain and conducting a potable amateur radio operation demonstration. I’m a little amazed how little portable operators there are around here, especially for a town the size of Casper. Hope to see you there.


One thought on “Adding an exercise program

  1. Good start! Because just walking ain’t a gonna do all of it.

    Soreness is growth, pain ain’t.

    Consistency is the name of the game.


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